Sunday, April 7, 2013

If you liked the Kincade Brides series you are going to love reading this new series by Mary Connealy

Swept Away (Trouble in Texas, #1)Swept Away by Mary Connealy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A new series by Mary Connealy "Trouble in Texas" book#1 Swept Away...

When a cowboy is focused on revenge and meets a woman who is determined to distract him without even trying, there is going to be trouble in Texas.

Luke has been in the war and was part of the 'Regulators" team, these men are rough and tough and you will enjoy meeting every one of them from Dare who has done some doctoring, Big John is a Texas Ranger,Vince is the lawyer in the group,Jonas is the preacher man.
Luke with the help from his friends is going to get back his fathers ranch "SBarS" that had been stolen by a man named Greer who went around taking land from others by hook or by crook... not above murder as long as he had others do his dirty deed for him..
Greer had to be stopped before the town was gone and if anyone could change things around then Luke and his friends would...
Now the woman in this foray is just a slip of a thing who had been living with a family and moving with a wagon train, they were unkind in many ways to her and she was ready to make a move to leave them and strike out on her own when ..while crossing a river and raging waters swept her away from the train.  She became lodged in some boards from the wagons and knocked unconsious -then Luke found her along the river bank.
As Luke spends time around this hard working young woman who is real easy on the eye with her red hair and freckles that he is kinda partial too, he finds himself thinking of more then revenge.  Will Ruthy who he is always calling "Rosie" , convince him to give up his destructive path and be swept away by Love?
Mary writes a delightful story full of adventure and romance that you don't want to stop reading...come read this tale.

View all my reviews

I was given this book to review by Bethany House a division of Baker Publishing, thank you for the opportunity to read such a wonderful author...

1 comment:

  1. HI Paula! Thanks so much for the nice review. I'm so glad you enjoyed the book!!!!!
