;Good Friday
DATE: 04/22/11 05:11 pm
STATUS: publish
Many Many years ago Jesus walked this earth as you and I do today, He came as a baby and was raised by Joseph and Mary.; He went about his fathers business and was known to be in the synagogs(Church) teaching even as a young boy.; He grew to manhood and was tempted as you and I are today. He lived his life; as an example that we should follow.; On a friday He was hung on a cross high on a hill and mocked and scorned by soldiers and the people of the day.; He gave his life that you and I might be free from the snare of the devil if we choose to be.; We can have eternal life and live with him on high forever because HE gave his life for;our sins.;We can look forward to Easter Sunday when he Arose from the grave as we one day will arise from ours and live eternally. He said In his fathers home there are many mansions and we shall live there one day.; I;want to be in that number when my time on this earth is over. Thank You Heavenly Father....
TITLE: add to Christmas 2010
DATE: 12/07/10 04:28 am
STATUS: publish
While we were looking at all the pkg under the tree that morning, you would not beleive what Bonnie was up to, that little scamp chose the kitchen for her foray, there she was sitting at the table when Mom checked on her with a 1/2 of ; chocolate pie sitting in front of her and her face smeared with chocolate stains.; There was happy smiles all over her face and when Mom opened the door you will not beleive how fast one little girl can jump down and run to be with her brothers and sisters.; We all loved Mom;s pies and who could blame her for rushing to try it out before we all found them.; To this day I have never tasted chocolate as good as Mom's......................
DATE: 12/05/10 03:38 am
I have awoke early this morning and when I looked out back window what should I spy but three deer walking around slowly checking out our yard, I like to think they are raindeer doing a practice run, after all it is almost Christmas in Ga.; In my minds eye I can see the years slip by and there is Mom and Daddy and all my brothers and sister getting up early on Christmas morn and checking out the pkg under the tree.; Here is one for Pearl and another for Ken, hand me that one wrapped in green, I know it must be for Linda. Oh where is Bill;s and there in the corner that one has to be Bud;s, look around in the back I bet mine (Pauline) is there.; I am ready to open the presents but first look outside there will surely be snow, there was always snow in Ky and home.; Yes I am still dreaming....Ga seldom has snow but last year we were surprised to get a covering of the ground after a 10 yr wait.; Merry Christmas one and all.
TITLE: Halloween 2010 in Ga
DATE: 10/29/10 09:45 pm
STATUS: publish
It is once again time for ghost and goblins to trek the earth It is Halloween time........See the shadows of ghostly figures slinking this way and that......trick or treaters are garbed in costumes of many awesome sights running down the street looking for something good to eat from their neighbors. Knock-Knock upon the doors where porch lights are lit, calling ; Trick or Treat give me something good to eat I remember well when in the 50;s we would don our outfits and walk around our little town holding brown paper bags to fill and usually we would have that bag almost full by the time we got home again.; Those were the days when it was safe and fun for kids to do their trick or treating; It is all so generic now, store bought costumes and kids going to malls or festivals and soon home again with their meager treats.; but Hey these kids eat candy every day they dont look forward to a special Halloween night to go out and fill their bag with treats.; I remember mary Jane kisses, caramels, suckers, bubble gum, and if you were lucky maybe mini candy bars like milky Way or snickers and Reeses penut butter cups. WOW~; I liked to hear special music of the time like MONSTER MASH-oh that was cool. another time-another place
you wont see it today; anyway; Happy Halloween from one who remembers when........
TITLE: Fall and rainy weather is with us~
DATE: 09/27/10 02:14 pm
STATUS: publish
I do believe it must be raining all over the world, days like this makes me remember the song that had those words in it. One thing about the rain is -it makes everywhere outdoors look so green and I do love color green. My tulip flowers finally bloomed while I was in Ky and were so pretty when I arrived home again.; I still have a few straggling morning glory flowers that are blooming also. I need to plant some bulbs and get some seeds up from a few bushes to have for the spring. I have been diagnosed with diabetes and am now trying to eat healthier. I fixed a big salad for lunch and had some red grapes also and tasted pretty good.; I made some snacks with choc graham crackers and cool whip making them like an ice cream sandwich and freezing them and my husband says they taste as good as ice cream you would buy at store. folks this is a good healthy lo-calorie snack and you will love it.-try them. Well, it wont be long before the holidays are here again and we will have Thanksgiving and Christmas to get ready for. The older I get the faster these seasons seem to fly past me. Do you feel that a way too? I am walking a little slower and know my time on earth is coming to its conclusion. I hope anyone reading my blog will take a moment to reflect on their end of journey and prepare themselves for the end days. We all must walk this path I thank God that I dont have to walk it alone.see ya next time~
TITLE: summertime June 2010
DATE: 06/29/10 04:10 pm
STATUS: publish
TITLE: Telfair Hosp in Savannah Ga gets another tiny baby this day 04-23-1965
DATE: 04/23/10 09:48 am
STATUS: publish
I was a young girl soon to have son #2, though I had been through this already I still was a little scared. My mother-in-law had came into Savannah with me and we visited her sister for awhile during this day. I had regular check up and Dr said it would not be long now. We lived in S.C. over the Savannah river about 1 hr away so I decided to stay with Aunt Bessie that night. Before afternoon was over I was back in hosp and Wm Eric made his debut before anyone could get there from the family.</li><li>A tiny human soul given by God for his father and I to nurture and raise to manhood. Parents have an awesome job but we must remember that God is there to lead if we will but let him. I thank God for the two sons he gave us and am sure I could have done a better job had I listened more to God then to my own will. We were not abusive but we did not do the best job I am afraid and I pray now that God will finish the job he started in their lives.</li><li>Happy Birthday William Eric (Bill) Rawstrom~</li></ul><br></span></span></span>
TITLE: Sharing My fav places with Neice
DATE: 04/14/10 07:36 pm
STATUS: publish
<br>It is April 2010,<br> My Neice Sherry is visiting from Ky and we are visiting some pretty Ga places. On Monday we were in Savannah on River st where all the shops are along with river cruise boats-stopped at The Waving Girl statue for a pic , met a couple from La and snapped their pic for them and they us.<br>Stopped at Paula Dean's resturant on Congress st near the City Mkt and then on to the Forsythe Park area. After that we headed out to Tybee Island and viewed the ocean, it was sunny but windy and cool. She rolled up her pant legs and walked in the water picking up seashells. We got some pics there too. It has been many years since I had been there and boy has it changed.<br>We saw the movie that was made there last week "The Last Song" with Miley Cyrus. It is a good movie-a bit of a tear-jerker.<br>One day was spent in Metter where "Everything is Better", walked tru the Guido Gardens seeing many pretty flowers and shrubs along with a peaceful little chapel. Many flowers there are bibical ones. The Guido's have both passed on but their legacy remains with this beautiful oasis tucked away in their back yard in Metter Ga.<br>Today spent close to home seeing the hwy 67 antiques gallery. many booths filled with old and new items to view. <br> I am enjoying getting to go to places along with her and sharing "Fun". Today is 14th and she leaves on the 20th so we will have to get busy and see some more things in the next few days.
TITLE: Snow in Ga after decades
DATE: 02/13/10 08:50 am
STATUS: publish
Last night at dusk the snow started to fall and was so pretty , I could not wait to grab my camera. I thought I would wait til the morning though to capture all the white stuff. early am I was up and ready but the camera was not, menu says low battery, Replaced them and then it froze and could not get any pics, waited for hubby to get out of bed and check the camera. He finally got it going again for me and pics were captured and put online on facebook. I had wanted to make a snowman but there was not enough to get for it. The ground was barely covered and I did get some pretty pics.<br>Now as I type on this blog I am looking out back window and sun is shining and snow falling from the trees looking as if it is snowing once again. A beautiful sight, Thanks God for letting me see this once again.<br>I am told that snow has covered almost all the states as the weather is in blizzard conditions in many of them. My brother in Omaha has had worst snowfall ever and the ones in Ky say they are still getting snow.<br>I am just thankful that we did get a little this year. I am counting my blessings-now I had better go get some breakfast.<br>
TITLE: Entry for February 07, 2010
DATE: 02/07/10 10:29 am
STATUS: publish
Love Month<br><br>This is considered to be the month of Love<br>
Chocolates<br><br>What will you do with the days given to you-28 days this time<br>I want to do more then last month<br>Thank God for his grace and everlasing love that wraps around us<br> like a big old warm blanket~<br> I am so ready for the warmth of Spring and seeing flowers blooming again<br> I need the green of the trees and lawns to make a walk happier<br> We have been blessed in this country and I hope the crisis soon recedes<br> and everyone will get out there and do their thing making this country great again<br> Don't say there are NO Jobs-make it happen, create something you can do<br> for others and if it brings in some cash great-if not do for the Love of it<br> We should all be helping one another.<br> Love and be Loved
Give and be Given
Help and be Helped<br> "Pass it on" Let that be our mantra for the month of Feb.
TITLE: Entry for January 20, 2010
DATE: 01/20/10 08:26 am
STATUS: publish
~Birthday Thoughts~<br><br>I woke this am to a bright sunshiny day, thanks God.<br>I stop in kitchen and coffee is dropping its last drops from the Bunn coffee maker and my son greets me with "Happy Birthday Mom". Good way to start the day huh?<br><br>Now, if the rest of the day will continue on that note, thinking of notes-I got an email from one of my neices in Ky singing Happy Birthday to me sans music. Thanks Carol~<br><br>My Birthday cards - 3 so far - are lined up for viewing and waiting for the rest of those that have forgot and will get to me late.<br><br>I plan a trip to Statesboro today to pick up a book at the library that I have asked them to save for me, it is called Loving Libbey by Robin Hatcher and I know it will be good because she is a great author. The Claxton Ga library emailed me too that they have one for me so will come back home long way and pick up that one also. Guess what?
"I LOVE TO READ"<br><br>Birthdays are special days when other folks can say "Hey I remember you and think you are OK". Don't forget to remember your loved ones and friends special days folks. We can never go back and change what we forget to do on a daily basis.<br><br>I had planned a trip to Tx for my sister and her husbands 50th anniversary this month but with air fares so high, will try to get there later in the year. She and I have been close through the years-she is a couple years older then me. Yeah, I had to say that. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters living in Tx and it is always a great vacation when I get to see everyone once again. we cannot do that too often as we are all older now and who knows when one of us will leave this ole earth. My sister living in Galveston is 80 now and one in Ky youngest is 60. My Mom spent a lot of years having babies. "God rest her soul". Thanks MOM~<br><br>
DATE: 12/19/09 08:31 pm
STATUS: publish
<strong></strong><br>Christmas is almost here-6 days more. I have been thinking snow this year and hoping just maybe the south will get snow one more time. We have had it before just not very often, maybe every decade or so. I am reading of a very bad storm out there that is leaving folks stranded and I pray that all are able to get home safely.<br> A used to be neighbor and friend moved to Tx a couple of years ago and I have just recieved a message that while she was shopping her very large dog decided to play with a cute little black and white animal that happened along and when she returned home she found out by the terrific smell that it had to be a skunk. Oh what a thing to return to, how long does it take to get rid of that smell?<br>I have one son and a step-son visiting this year and it makes for a full house. We are all having to learn how to compromise and get along. Three men and one woman, on some fronts that could be interesting but here it is not! <br>I have reconnected with some wonderful friends this year and lost some family members. We must all be ready for the day that we are called home and I hope that you are.
TITLE: Thanksgiving time in the South
DATE: 11/26/09 07:35 pm
STATUS: publish
<p>Today the sun was bright and made for a happy Thanksgiving Day after a week of rainy days. I was up early to get the turkey started and decided to use the ole Ronco (set it and forget it) Rotissoree this time. First one I have tried in it and would you believe how easy it was, turned out golden and very very nice. My son was visiting and he helped get the bird trussed up and on the spit and we had it cooking at 8:30am. <br>My husband had surgery to his hand yesterday so of course he could not help with the fixings so Joe and I worked together to get a nice dinner prepared and did clean up as we went making the job easier. My stepson did not show up and it was just the three of us to eat so we had plenty and we are stuffed.<br>I hope everyone everywhere was able to enjoy a good meal and good company for the day. I am so thankful for all I have in the way of family friends and finances. <br>Til next year then.................................</p>
TITLE: Entry for September 13, 2009
DATE: 09/13/09 08:04 am
STATUS: publish
<p style="COLOR:#007f40;">Fall will soon be here again in Ga<br><br><br>All year I have mentioned getting classmates together and having a 50th year reunion in Ky, well it happened, it was a lot of work but worth every moment I spent getting ready for it. I have framed a group picture of us and left at the Walton Senior Center where we met that day, we are now preserved for the duration.<br>Our weather has become a little cooler now getting ready for fall and the winter days to follow. I have put away my "White" and changing the colors of my wardrobe. I don't know if anyone really sticks to wearing just the right color anymore. The way some folks dress now is almost indecent. I yearn for the days when folks dressed up to go out, now they even wear pants to church-women I mean. When I view the youth of today showing off their abs or some wearing those jeans that slide down their behinds and let you see their underpants- I cringe. Oh, "What would Grandma think"?<br>Am I telling my age now?<br><br>There were graduations and weddings in the family this year and new little ones being born, You probably had them too. Life seems to always move forward - sometimes a little too fast. I think of the long ago summers when I ran barefoot playing with my siblings in Ky enjoying times I thought would never get over -but they did and the school year would start again and I would be another year older- til they dissappeared and I became an adult out in the world making my way. Life is best as a child, letting the responsibility be with the parents and YOU were carefree-loving life.<br><br>Are you ready for the holidays again? They will soon be here and think about it another year will be gone and we will see the yr become 2010. I never imagined writing that numeral down for our next year. I was born in 1941 and have seen so many changes in this old world as a child-teenager-young adult and now you guessed it - I am a senior citizen. Mom and Daddy are gone - Now we are the old folks. We will be gone too before long and our children and grandchildren will be next in line to do their thing. Read the book of Ecclesiates in the Bible -" One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh, but the earth abideth forever". Life can be eternal if you choose it, God tells us to love him as he loved us and our neighbor as ourselves. I will be in heaven by the Grace of God and not by anything good that I have done here on this earth, seek him and I will wait for you~<br></p>
TITLE: Entry for August 05, 2009
DATE: 08/05/09 09:49 pm
STATUS: publish
<p>Memories of old friends<br><br>I have been to Ky for a class reunion of my old school in Walton. It had been 50 yrs since graduating in 1959. There were some there that I had not seen in all that time. Sandy has lived in California and left high school to join marines. We had two become Nurses. One was a policeman another a lithographer for 48 yrs-wow one job all that time. I was surprised when one of the girls gave me an award of appreciation for my work in starting the search for everyone and getting the reunion together.It was an afternoon of laughter fun and foods. I think all enjoyed the day. I have had several emails and notes since arriving home only 24 hrs ago. I enjoyed meeting all again and catching up on our lives since graduation. I hope you get to do the same someday.</p>
TITLE: Summertime in Ga
DATE: 07/07/09 11:44 pm
STATUS: publish
<p><strong style="COLOR:#0000ff;FONT-SIZE:14px;">It is summertime in Ga and I am counting the days till my trip to Ky,15 more to go.<br>I have a new great-great nephew that I want to meet and see how much all the other little ones have grown.<br> I am overdue to get another perm so I will look good for my trip and friday I will take care of that chore. <br>Have you ever had a perm? I have lot of hair and it takes the beautician a long time to curl my hair, then a solution that stinks to high heaven which stays on for 20 min. Oh the torture we go through to look good.<br> We have had two graduations this year and two weddings in the family will be in August this year. The family just keeps getting bigger.<br>I have a husband that is one of those men who cannot stand heat and he is like a bear this time of year-needs to hibernate in his lazy-boy chair in front of his big screen TV and leave hime alone. I think when I go to Ky - he probably won't even realize that I am gone.<br> another time- another place<br> see you then~<br> </strong></p>
TITLE: Entry for June 15, 2009
DATE: 06/15/09 04:22 pm
STATUS: publish
<p style="FONT-SIZE:14px;">~ IT IS HOT DAY IN GA~<br><br><br> Monday's are bad enough but when you couple it with the heat, Oh my heart yearns for a cooler day with breezes blowing. I must close my eyes and remember my visit last year to Galveston Tx and the beach with the sounds of the sea gulls and the crashing waves as they rolled to the shore time after time. Now that is were I would like to be. A tall glass of lemonaide would help too so I am off to the kitchen to find one.<br><br>God Bless til our next visit.</p></strong>
TITLE: Ky on my Mind
DATE: 04/21/09 08:20 am
STATUS: publish
<img src="http://a367.yahoofs.com/blog/49ab38d0za04b2ec6/8/__sr_/1a37.jpg?mgIIwLoCnRSSSzyV" width="333" height="250"><p><strong>Hello </strong></p> <p><strong> WVHS had their alumni dinner this week and all classes ending in 9 were honored. Ours was 1959 and they had the best turn-out ever. I am putting in group pic to see some.</strong></p> <p><strong> We (Jody and I) are planning a 50th reunion this summer for our class and we have gotten good vibes from all, should be a great time together. I know everyone is looking forward to seeing classmates that they have lost touch with over the years. We are having good participation from most. We have had three of us deceased over the years and we will miss seeing their smiling faces but they will not be forgotten.</strong></p> <p><strong> I am enjoying the beautiful springtime in Ga and have thoughts of Ky on my mind looking forward to our reunion in the summertime there. See you soon guys.</strong></p>
TITLE: Springtime almost here
DATE: 03/01/09 08:39 pm
STATUS: publish
<img src="http://a367.yahoofs.com/blog/49ab38d0za04b2ec6/6/__sr_/8aea.jpg?mgIIwLoCI1sznkIK" width="333" height="223"><p><strong></strong> </p><p><strong>I am busy at this time trying to find all my</strong></p> <p><strong> classmates that I graduated with </strong></p> <p><strong> in 1959.</strong></p> <p><strong> So far-so good</strong></p> <p><strong> I am having fun talking with ones </strong></p> <p><strong> that I have not heard from in many </strong></p> <p><strong> many years. There was Jim Ward first</strong></p> <p><strong> then Wanda Tackett, Betty Ryan, </strong></p> <p><strong> Pauline H Miller, Carolyn Hayden, </strong></p> <p><strong> Jody-Bonnie-Carolyn Watson</strong></p> <p><strong> 50 yrs guys can you believe it</strong></p> <p><strong> We are still alive and moving!</strong></p> <p><strong> 50th Class reunion in Ky in the</strong></p> <p><strong> Summertime-twill soon be here.</strong></p>
TITLE: Fall in Ga---Beautiful and colorful
DATE: 11/09/08 06:58 pm
STATUS: publish
<p></p><p>Fall colors are everywhere and I love it. I love to take a walk and feel the leaves crunch beneath my feet.</p> <p>I have not told you that my sister living in Galveston Tx was found and doing fine after many weeks without any word. She was evacuated further into Tx and stayed in large bldg with many others sleeping on cots and having rough time getting through the days to come. She had her own adventure by meeting a fellow who was very attentive to her and I guess this is something they both needed to get through a bad time. She is home again and not to much worse for the ordeal, Thank God!</p> <p>Holidays are before us- Thanksgiving Day.</p> <p>I am so thankful for many many things in my life. I am so proud to be a child of God and have his blessings bestowed on me, many when I don't deserve them. How about You?</p> <p>I am thankful for my family, siblings-spouse and my sons and stepchildren that I inherited when I remarried in 1987.</p> <p>I am thankful I live in America and am blessed with material things that make life easier. I have a nice home, clothes to wear, food to eat and the bills to pay that we have the monies to do just that, No handouts for us.</p> <p>But through it all - pay attention to note below, I borrowed this but hey it is how I feel too! Enjoy your life and remember who and what you are.</p> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <p><img height="35" width="532" alt="butterfly flowers" src="http://www.dwlz.com/Graphics/butterflyflower.gif"/></p> <h3>IF YOU ALWAYS DO WHAT YOU ALWAYS DID <br />YOU'LL ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ALWAYS GOT!</h3> <em> One Day At A Time, No Guilt and Move On</em> <p><img height="35" width="532" alt="butterfly flowers" src="http://www.dwlz.com/Graphics/butterflyflower.gif"/></p>
TITLE: Hurricane hits Galveston
DATE: 09/20/08 09:59 pm
STATUS: publish
<p>I used to live in Galveston Tx and it was a beautiful place to be when you are 19-20 yrs old. I did not go to the beach as often as I would if I lived there now. I worked in the downtown area and went to Eagles to meet sailors and dance the night away. AH to be young like that again!</p> <p> Recently Galveston was delivered a mighty blow by the forces of nature when Hurricane IKE descended in all his fury. One of the widest storms to be seen and sending waves crashing over the seawall at least 18-20 ft high. I watched the TV news often as I have a sister that lives a few blocks from the seawall blvd. Thankfully she was in a 11 story bldg. I still have not heard as of Sept 20th if she is OK or not. Communication is not what it should be when a disaster hits an area. I have listed her name with emergency folks in Galveston and checked the Red Cross site online. God willing she is safe. I can see her sitting in an evacuation shelter and fussing because she is limited in what she can do. My sister is an independent woman of 80. She would help anyone who needed it at anytime. In her youth she was a beautiful woman and lived her life dancing to her own drum. Some think this is wrong but hey, who are we to judge-it takes all kinds of folks to make up this old world. </p> <p> We are concerned for you Rose, Come home soon.</p>
TITLE: Entry for August 31, 2008
DATE: 08/31/08 04:07 pm
STATUS: publish
<p><img src="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/39.gif"/>Hi I have done it now, my verse says it all. Honestly though I am glad I did it because I really see better without glasses except for reading.</p> <p></p> <p>I SEE!</p> <p>Written by Paula C Osborne </p> <p>August 2008</p> <p></p> <p>I had cataracts removed and now-</p> <p>See all my imperfections so well</p> <p>I never saw myself as this old Gal</p> <p>I wept-so many wrinkles, Oh WOW</p> <p></p> <p>Though I know my age is older</p> <p>I sure never felt the way I look</p> <p>And I was trying to be bolder</p> <p>How can I-when my youth has been took</p> <p></p> <p>So much for aging gracefully</p> <p>No chance of that for me</p> <p>This is just how it has to be</p> <p>Like Gomer pyle -I just say gol-ly!</p> <p></p>
TITLE: A Summer trip with Brother
DATE: 08/20/08 07:15 pm
STATUS: publish
<img src="http://a367.yahoofs.com/blog/49ab38d0za04b2ec6/7/__sr_/40f0.jpg?mgIIwLoCfOO1qOvF" width="333" height="222"><p>Hello once again, I have been to Tx with my brother and his wife and had wonderful time. I am posting picture that was taken in Galveston Tx by the Gulf waters. It was so beautiful and if I close my eyes I can still see the waves rolling in and smell the scents that only comes at a beach. Birds flying and making their noises, winds blowing. AHHHHH!</p> <p> I visited my sisters Rose and Pearl there and a brother Bill besides the brother I went with who is named Ken. I come from a large family of 3 brothers and 5 sisters. </p> <p> I was in Tx for 3 wks and my husband had to take care of himself and have his own quite time. I think spouses need time alone sometimes. I am sure he enjoyed not hearing me fuss for him to do this or that for awhile.</p>
TITLE: Entry for March 08, 2008
DATE: 03/08/08 11:10 pm
STATUS: publish
<img src="http://a367.yahoofs.com/blog/49ab38d0za04b2ec6/7/__sr_/336d.jpg?mgIIwLoCuAZq8vSW" width="333" height="250"><p>Yesterday March 7th, 46 yrs ago I had my first son Joseph Mark and started a new era in my life. The baby was so cute and cuddly and I loved him with all my heart. I did my best to keep him safe and teach him the things he needed to know to get along on this earth.</p> <p>As a young boy he was a joy to watch growing and learning as the days went by living in this beautiful southern land. He graduated high school but I could not persuade him to go to college and soon he was out in the world making his own choices. </p> <p>Do we ever stop worrying about our children, no matter how old they get, a MOM aches when a child makes mistakes and hurts. We have great joy when all is well and the choices made are good ones. </p> <p>I think of my heavenly Father caring for me and watching my choices in life, some good and some bad-How he must ache as I do with mine , for me. I am so grateful that His Grace is sufficient for me and I hope that my son knows I will always love him and wish the best for him unconditionally just as MY FATHER does with me.</p>
TITLE: Entry for February 25, 2008
DATE: 02/25/08 11:29 pm
STATUS: publish
<p><strong></strong></p><p><strong>Today I saw the clouds so blue</strong></p> <p><strong> I felt the wind blow across my face</strong></p> <p><strong> I know that I am alive because of you</strong></p> <p><strong> My Mom, she lived with grace</strong></p> <p><strong> Living life- giving life its what you do</strong></p> <p><strong> Love is all around us, look and you will see</strong></p> <p><strong> families friends folks there are quite a few</strong></p> <p><strong> we are becoming what we will be</strong></p>
TITLE: Entry for February 10, 2008
DATE: 02/10/08 11:24 pm
STATUS: publish
<p><strong>Valentine's Day, will be Feb 14, 2008 I am thinking of LOVE forever more, did n't Randy Travis write that?</strong><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong> The beginnings of relationships are always so romantic, I can remember those days so well. Years later a mature love and caring fills our time as we share our lives together. I wish all someone to share their life with.</strong></p> <p><strong> Remember to tell that someone you care on this special day ahead made just for that, Valentine's Day.</strong></p>
TITLE: Entry for January 08, 2008
DATE: 01/08/08 03:30 pm
STATUS: publish
<img src="http://a367.yahoofs.com/blog/49ab38d0za04b2ec6/7/__sr_/b1cb.jpg?mgIIwLoCQRlKkCRl" width="142" height="113"><p><strong>WOW! Here we are with another year and I'm not done with 2007 yet.</strong></p> <p><strong> January is a month that my brother Bud and I have a birthday on the 20th of this month, No, we are not twins he was born way ahead of me and pretty well grown before I came along. It's exciting though to have someone share your birthday with you.</strong></p> <p><strong> I am still reading a lot, just finished a Debbie McComber paperback called Montana, good reading. I have a bookcase full of books and will enjoy each and everyone. I hope YOU enjoy reading.</strong></p> <p><strong> It will be spring before we know it so enjoy your days and tell someone that YOU Love them.</strong></p>
TITLE: Entry for July 20, 2007
DATE: 07/20/07 07:23 pm
STATUS: publish
I have just returned from a short trip to Ky where my sister and I went on a tour bus to Graceland in Tn-Eureka Springs Ar to see the great Passion Play-and last but not least to Branson Mo for a day of shows and a dinner that was great. We saw many sights along the road and even stopped at a winery where I got some Cherry Wine and Cherry Butter. we drank the wine while there and tried to bring Butter home by plane but it was confiscated when I had it in carry on luggage instead of checking through in the larger bag. All in all had wonderful time and met some really nice folks.
TITLE: Entry for March 08, 2007
DATE: 03/08/07 11:15 pm
STATUS: publish
<p>Spring has come to Ga and this weekend another coming is the time change, Remember folks to "Spring Ahead" with your clocks as you go to bed. Do you like these changes in the time ? I for one do not, about the time you get used to it-they change it again.</p> <p> Our flowers are blooming and the birds are plentiful in the front yard, I even saw a white Robin for the first time this year, what a treat! I followed it all over the yard trying to get a picture. I am sure no one will believe that I really saw one.</p> <p> I have an eye exam scheduled this month, maybe new glasses will let me see better. I have thought of the new eye surg that they do where you don't need to wear glasses but I am still afraid something might happen and I would end up blind-I think I will just stick with glasses.</p> <p> more later, take care everyone.</p>
TITLE: Entry for March 05, 2007
DATE: 03/05/07 07:21 pm
STATUS: publish
<img src="http://a367.yahoofs.com/blog/49ab38d0za04b2ec6/7/__sr_/7b8d.jpg?mgIIwLoCPA1j4OIX" width="285" height="298"><p>We are still here on Sandy Creek after so many tornados and rains have hit Ga. We are blessed that we only got thunderstorms with wind and rain and no damage as some folks did.</p> <p>This month is St Patrick's Day and if you don't know it, this is a big thing in Savannah, Ga which we are about an hr drive away from. The fountains are turned green and even the Savannah River was once I do believe. A huge parade and so many people in Savannah celebrating that you can hardly walk. I am past this kind of hulabaloo, but the young folks really have a ball on this day. Come Celebrate!</p>
TITLE: Entry for February 17, 2007
DATE: 02/17/07 06:52 pm
STATUS: publish
<p>Well Valentine Day came and went, Maybe next year.</p> <p>I have a trip coming up that I am getting ready for and this makes me happy. I will see Graceland,Eureka Springs and Branson. It is a first on a motorcoach tour for me.</p> <p>I am watching the Nora Roberts Monday night movies this month and they are really good. Thanks to all the good authors out there that give women so much enjoyment. I am still reading the women of the Bible and now am on Leah, remember her?</p>
TITLE: Entry for February 01, 2007
DATE: 02/01/07 10:15 am
STATUS: publish
<img src="http://a367.yahoofs.com/blog/49ab38d0za04b2ec6/7/__sr_/7c31.jpg?mgIIwLoClYNDvPSm" width="316" height="302"><p>Where did January go?</p> <p>Time is moving so fast</p> <p>memories of the past</p> <p>Be with family and friends</p> <p>happiness is just around the bend.</p>
TITLE: Entry for December 31, 2006
DATE: 12/31/06 07:15 pm
STATUS: publish
<img src="http://a367.yahoofs.com/blog/49ab38d0za04b2ec6/7/__sr_/f5fb.jpg?mgIIwLoC4X1JbA0u" width="170" height="213"><em>Life is passing so fast now that I have become of Medicare age. </em><em> The faster I try to do things it seems the slower I am. </em> <em> I have re-met some old friends this past year that I went to school with many years ago. It has been wonderful making <a rel="nofollow" href="http://f3.yahoofs.com/users/427aad82z338ece43/cf9bre2/__sr_/67e2re2.jpg?phIxFmFBwkpKqnDK">new friends from old friends.</a> </em> <em> I have lost some family members and had some new ones arrive, isn't God wonderful the way he opens another door when one closes.</em> <br /><br />
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