The Old Presque Isle Lighthouse is one of the oldest surviving lighthouses on the Great Lakes. Built in 1840 by Jeremiah Moors of Detroit, the harbor light operated until 1871 when the keeper transferred to a new, taller, coastal lighthouse a mile to the north. The Old Presque Isle Lighthouse park is a complex composed of two main structures, a keepers dwelling and a light tower. The stone and brick tower measures thirty feet tall and eighteen feet in diameter. Visitors can climb the hand-hewn stone steps for a panoramic view of the Lake Huron shoreline and Presque Isle Harbor. Nearby is the one-story side-gabled brick keeper’s dwelling which serves as a hands-on museum. Here, visitors can blow foghorns and examine other interesting artifacts. They can also ring the bell from the Lansing City Hall clock tower. Tipping the scales at an impressive 3,425 pounds, this bronze behemoth is much bigger than the Liberty Bell, which weighed 2,080 pounds when cast.
I am beginning a new book by Jody Hedlund that is about a young woman meeting the keeper of this lighthouse, The Old Presque Isle Lighthouse. Emma Chambers is left destiture when the steamboat sinks near this lighthouse, that she is on.
Patrick is floundering when he loses his wife and knows not how to care for his child...
These two souls are thrown together literally...what a twist on mail-order brides, He marries Emma to give her a home and have someone to care for his child.
Come read with me how they will fare, I will review later after reading....
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