Friday, October 10, 2014

Becoming Bea (The Courtships of Lancaster County, #4)Becoming Bea by Leslie Gould
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Becoming Bea is final book in series "The Courtships of Lancaster County" by Leslie Gould.

I have so enjoyed the stories of these women and the men who pursued them in the beautiful county of Lancaster....I loved meeting Cate-Addie-Molly and Bea.

Bea and Ben...Ben and Bea.. these two seemed to always to be competing in their school years together.  spelling bees were such a challange.
Bea was sure she did NOT like this boy.  When they were thrown together later in life, it was hard to put those feelings aside and have a grown up attitude where Ben was concerned, so many thought they hated one another.
Beatrice Zook becomes a mothers helper to a young woman that had triplets and there was lot of hard work involved along with the joy of "Babies".  She grows up a lot working there.
Friends decide to bring Bea and Ben together just feeling they are right for one another - can they get past "their past".  It does not help when a young man named Don moves back into the community who lies and schemes hurting many along the way..including Ben and Bea.
when trust is broken, how can it be renewed even after forgiveness?  Sometimes we want to hold onto things that get in the way of happiness being a part of our lives....

View all my reviews

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