My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Ann Weisgarber writes "The Promise"
I wanted to read this one because it was written about Galveston Island in Texas and also because the time was when the terrible 1900 storm devasted most of the island. Thousands of lives were lost and others changed forever...
this story tells of a young pianist Catheribne Wainright, she lives a sheltered life in Ohio and is very talanted. Life is hard for her when she becomes embroiled in a scandal with a married man and many turn away from her. The students she taught piano dwindled and soon monies was a dire problem and she knew her life had to change.
One option was a childhood friend Oscar that had moved away many years ago and had written her a few times, she grabbed at this lifeline and wrote to him and renewed their friendship and soon he ask her to come to Texas and marry him. He didn't know all of her troubles only what she told him but she knew she would be a good wife and something had to change.
She traveled far from her home in Ohio to Galveston where life was so different and even oscar too was different after all these years. He had a young boy who grieved for a mama that had recently died. Catherine was not good with children and left him to the care of the housekeeper who stayed on...
Soon Catherine realizes that Nan the housekeeper has cared for oscar since his wife died and has come to love him even he is not aware. two women in one house never seems to work and this time it was even worse.
Catherine and Oscar had just became closer and things seemed like all would work out when a horrible great storm came to the area and Oscar and Catherine became separated when he went to take care of animals on his ranch for milk cows. Catherine did a wonderful job talking with Andre to keep him from being scared even when the waters rose into the house that stood on stilts.
I come to care for the characters and you will too as you read this story Ann has woven with her words. Galveston comes to life and you can feel and hear the waves as they roar to shore over and over again near the home of this family.
Thank you Ann for the chance to read this story, look forward to your next one..
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